Monday, June 04, 2007

Congressional Campaign Quarterly Finance Reports

Congressional campaign committees had to turn in quarterly finance reports in mid-April for the first quarter (Jan-March 2007). I finally got the time to mosey over the and see what is what; opensecrets doesn't have their usual nifty summation. Here’s a brief outline of what people brought in, what they spent, and what they have on hand. Some numbers didn’t add up, there was some funds that came in after the election and before January and it is folded in somehow. Sometimes there were refunds, etc., that I couldn’t figure out how to list. Some numbers are rounded up or down to whole numbers. You can look at the fec site yourself to double check anything.

Jim Gerlach (R-06)
Individual contributions: 112,714
PAC 100,000
Party 261
Total 212,975

Disbursements: 120,081
Cash on hand 106,981

Joe Sestak (D-07)
Individual: 291,912
PAC 147,600
Candidate 4,600
Party 123
Transfer 2,504
Total: 448,843

Disbursement: 72,364
Cash on hand: 587,264

Patrick Murphy (D-08)
Individual: 157,506
PAC 182,620
Total: 340,126

Disbursements: 54,657
Cash on hand: 300,608

Allyson Schwartz (D-13)
Individual: 290,813
PAC: 102,341
Total: 395,912

Disbursements: 74,713
Cash on hand: 885,875

Charlie Dent (R-15)
Individual contributions: 110,852
PAC, etc. 70,250
Total 181,102

Disbursements: 36,238
Cash on hand: 220,547


Sparky Duck said...

I guess Schwartz did not have to expend that much, or she is just in the richest area. Or even better, both.

AboveAvgJane said...


Schwartz is very good at raising money and did not have a very strong opponent last time around so she could just accumulate what came in. A number of people have speculated that she has thought of running for higher office, though there isn't a clear consensus on what that office would be (senate? governor?)

Incidently, I checked on Brady and Fattah, too. Brady, like Schwartz is sitting on a big pot of money, Fattah consideratly less.