Sunday, August 11, 2013

Two Education Notes

Two interesting articles / editorials on education crossed my screen recently.

First, John Micek, editorial page editor of the Harrisburg Patriot News, pens an op-ed, "Harrisburg's summer teacher exodus is a wake-up call," August 7th.

Here's an excerpt:

But talented teachers are the engine that makes a school district go. It's beyond cliche at this point that the right teacher can change a student's life for the better. And attracting and retaining qualified teachers is one of the keys to the district's future success. 

Secondly, Ronnie Polaneczky, in the August 10th Inquirer, writes a column, "Philly schools go on your report card, too."  She provides a list of reasons people who don't have children in public schools should be concerned about the school system.  She has some points directed at those of us in the 'burbs.  It's a well-thought-out piece.

Good weekend reading.

Suburbanites, too, ought to worry about the state of Philly education. Because the city's traumas have a way of becoming the suburbs' traumas. Just look how crime is rising in towns just beyond Philly's poorer borders. Think that's gonna improve if our schools tank? Think the towns just beyond inner-ring won't eventually feel the pain, too, as the ills spread outward?

Suburbanites, too, ought to worry about the state of Philly education. Because the city's traumas have a way of becoming the suburbs' traumas. Just look how crime is rising in towns just beyond Philly's poorer borders. Think that's gonna improve if our schools tank? Think the towns just beyond inner-ring won't eventually feel the pain, too, as the ills spread outward?
Suburbanites, too, ought to worry about the state of Philly education. Because the city's traumas have a way of becoming the suburbs' traumas. Just look how crime is rising in towns just beyond Philly's poorer borders. Think that's gonna improve if our schools tank? Think the towns just beyond inner-ring won't eventually feel the pain, too, as the ills spread outward?

Suburbanites, too, ought to worry about the state of Philly education. Because the city's traumas have a way of becoming the suburbs' traumas. Just look how crime is rising in towns just beyond Philly's poorer borders. Think that's gonna improve if our schools tank? Think the towns just beyond inner-ring won't eventually feel the pain, too, as the ills spread outward?
Suburbanites, too, ought to worry about the state of Philly education. Because the city's traumas have a way of becoming the suburbs' traumas. Just look how crime is rising in towns just beyond Philly's poorer borders. Think that's gonna improve if our schools tank? Think the towns just beyond inner-ring won't eventually feel the pain, too, as the ills spread outward?

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